Introduction: Chakras + Consciousness
INTRODUCTION | Reclaiming the Temple of the Body
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or cycle. There are seven main chakras situated along the spine, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Chakras provide a subtle energy that helps your organs, mind, and intellect work at their best level.
The swirling of the seven chakras is created by a combination of two active principles, consciousness and matter. Both represent elements that become increasingly more dense as they descend from thought down to earth.
When we take thoughts and turn them into visualizations, then words, and finally form, we are engaged in the process of manifesting. Only through embodiment can consciousness manifest. This means that energy must be run through the body to activate the necessary programs.
The upward current from dense earth to ethereal consciousness is the current of liberation. As we move incrementally upward through the chakras we become less restricted. The chakras are a path to liberations - a path where one is freed from the restrictions of the material world.
There are two horizontal currents flowing into and out of each chakra. We combine our upward and downward currents in order to express ourselves at different levels of the chakras. When a chakra is blocked, reception and expression can become distorted.
Chakra blockages can form from childhood traumas, cultural conditioning, limited beliefs, restrictive or exhausting habits, physical and emotional injuries, and absence of presence and attention to the chakras. When difficulties arise in our lives, we develop coping strategies that can become chronic patterns, anchored in the body and psyche as defense structures.
Unblocking a chakra involves addressing the blockage at multiple dimensions:
- Understand the dynamics of that chakra - knowing the chakra system and understand the nature and function of each in the world
- Examine the personal history related to each chakra - developmental stage, traumas, abuses, and programming
- Apply exercises and techniques - physical embodiment requires physical exercises designed to move parts of the body
- Balance excess and deficiency - letting go from chronic holding and focusing on the areas we are avoiding, both in our bodies and our lives